3 Card Spiritual Guidance Readings

Do you have questions regarding your life right now?

Feeling stuck?

Need guidance on which direction to go in, which path to take?

Then you may benefit from a 3 card email reading

3 cards are drawn from the fantastic spiritual guidance pack

The cards are then read in order, which read like a story for you

The reading is completely focused on you and the steps you need to take over the coming months that will help you with your life

Along with your reading you will receive a picture of the 3 cards that were drawn for you

Readings can come across in numerous ways.
They can be a
Confirmation reading
Supportive reading
Empowerment reading
Kick up the backside reading
Connection reading
Awakening reading
Psychic reading
or a combination of the above.

The energy exchange for the Spiritual Guidance reading
 is £33.00 roughly US$40.00 depending on the exchange rates
Once your reading is paid for you will receive your confirmation email, Please reply to this email so that we are able to reply back to you. Please allow up to 3 days to receive your reading

Grant Hicks

Qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist 

Soul Purpose Coach

Quantum Healing 

Bio-resonance Scanning 

Rife machine practitioner 

Past Life Regressions 

  Spiritual Guidance Readings 

Psychic Medium

Spiritual Guidance Email Readings


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